Palazzo Onofri
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영국포스팅 11,299건
풍선 5개 중 3.0
2022년 5월
Palazzo Onofri is one of the sights in the main square of the small, medieval, hilltop town, San Ginesio.
A relatively small and very solid looking 15th century palazzo, it is easily spotted because of its pale peachy coloured facade.
Two small brown signs either side of the door also mark it as an historical site, although it does not see as if you can visit inside at the moment.
The most prominent feature is the singular entry door - a massively oversized, wooden, panelled door surrounded by an arch of heavy, dark stone. The cobbled paving forms a large raised mound in front of the entrance and white and black cobblestones have been alternately used to create a pattern.
In the centre at the top of the arch, we could see a stone crest but it was badly worn and we couldn’t make out enough of the detail.
Palazzo Onofri belonged at one time to the Onofri family, a wealthy and prominent San Ginesio family, whose members were mostly known for their notarial work in the town.
2022년 8월 17일 작성
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Palazzo Onofri - San Ginesio - Palazzo Onofri의 리뷰 - 트립어드바이저

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