오후 2:00~오후 11:00
오후 5:00 - 오후 11:00
오후 5:00 - 오후 11:00
오후 2:00 - 오후 11:00
오후 2:00 - 오후 11:00
소요시간: 1-2 시간
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풍선 5개 중 5.0리뷰 24건
매우 좋음
형편 없음

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풍선 5개 중 5.0
2024년 5월 • 친구
Very spectacular atmosphere, an escape game type of different experience.
Suitable for children, families and friends.
Different areas. Something for everyone
2024년 5월 27일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

풍선 5개 중 5.0
2023년 9월 • 친구
It was a great evening, we played caretaker and had a lot of fun. The staff were very friendly and took time for us.
2023년 10월 21일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

풍선 5개 중 5.0
2022년 10월 • 친구
Ich habe bereits alle Spiele durchgespielt und war von jedem einzelnen begeistert. Die Rätsel sind zwar anspruchsvoll, dennoch macht es riesen Spaß! Das Personal ist sehr freundlich und gibt Tippps, wenn man nicht mehr weiter kommt. Außerdem ist die Location klasse. Wenn es ein neues Spiel geben wird, bin ich gerne wieder dabei⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
2022년 11월 8일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

뮌헨, 독일
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2020년 9월 • 커플
Gioco molto divertente e non banale e ben strutturato.
Forse un po' difficoltoso per solo due persone.
2020년 9월 20일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

Julie Guico
뮌헨, 독일
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2020년 7월 • 커플
This was such an amazing Escape Room! We did the Butcher room today and absolutely LOVED it! The attention to detail and puzzles were top notch! I highly recommend anyone looking for a fun and scary adventure to book straight away, you will not be disappointed! A special thanks for o Alex and the Fluchthaus team for creating such an AWESOME experience for us! We will definitely be back! 🤗
2020년 7월 10일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

Denis F
Hochstadt, 독일
풍선 5개 중 4.0
2020년 2월 • 친구
Wir waren da und haben gleich alle 3 Räume von 12-18 gespielt xd Super netter Empfang und hat echt Spaß gemacht. Die ersten 2 Räume waren ohne nennenswerte Probleme und mit genug Restzeit erledigt ✅ Der Hausmeister allerdings hat uns bis zur letzten Minute festgehalten xd

Im Großen und Ganzen tolle Räume mit viel Spaß. Rätsel sind alle ganz Human und lösbar. Wenn es mal hackt dann hat man wahrscheinlich irgendwas noch nicht gefunden weil es gibt in jedem Raum etwas was relativ gut Versteckt ist.

Hingehen und rausfinden ;)

Danke für die netten Stunden.
2020년 2월 25일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

Thomas W
Munich, Bayern, Germany
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2019년 12월
Das Fluchthaus in Weiden bietet drei Räume an, dazu noch einen weiteren in der FIliale im nahegelegenen Pressath. Alle vier Räume sind hervorragend - zwei sind sehr schöne, liebevoll gestaltete klassische Escapes für die ganze Familie ("Mission Possible" und "Die Zelle"), zwei haben Horrorthemen ("Der verschollene Hausmeister" und "Die alte Metzgerei"). Die Horror-Räume sind in der Tat die gruseligsten (im positiven SInne!), die ich bisher gespielt habe - und ich habe, auch international, schon sehr viele Escapes gespielt - definitiv nichts für schwache Nerven, und zurecht ab 18!

Die beiden klassischen Räume haben bereits einen eher gehobenen Schwierigkeitsgrad, die beiden Horrorräume sind extrem schwer - man sollte also möglichst in keiner zu kleinen Gruppe spielen, und nicht zögern, wenn man "hängt" auch relativ bald nach Tipps zu fragen - ansonsten schafft man die Räume vielleicht nicht und verpasst den jeweiligen Schlußteil, und das wäre extrem schade. Kleiner allgemeiner Rat, ohne zu spoilern: In allen Räumen wird gerne viel und gut versteckt, man sollte sehr genau überall suchen...

Die Betreiber sind supernett und man merkt, dass es absolute Enthusiasten sind, die hier wirklich ganz eigenständige Räume geschaffen haben. Etwas wirklich besonderes!
2019년 12월 26일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

아우크스부르크, 독일
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2019년 12월
Vorab: Supernettes Team. Wir haben viel geratscht und gelacht...und alle Räume im beschaulichen Weiden gespielt (Was wäre dieser Ort ohne das Fluchthaus?!) Der verschollene Hausmeister....alles nur kein klassischer Escape Room. Wir würden uns als "Experts" bezeichnen und sind klassisch gescheitert...warum? Es ist ein MIX aus Horror Adventure und Escape Room in einem tollem Setting...und vor lauter Erschrecken und Schreien konnten wir oft keinen klaren Gedanken fassen...es war "LEIDER GEIL" - Und was macht der Affe auf dem Sessel?! Findet es heraus....Sie haben auch normale Räume...Top Secret und Gefängnis sind schöne klassische Räume der oberen Klasse, die uns viel Spass gemacht haben und die alte Metzgerei im nahen Presslath (oder so!)hat uns dann nochmal richtig gefordert..sehr gutes Setting und Location...aber der verschollene Hausmeister hat den Pulst von Scream Queen Tinker in ungeahnte Höhen gebracht...es war im positiven Sinne der WAHNSINN - Der Wilde Süden - Ozzy & Tinka danken für einen tollen Tag im Fluchthaus! 😆😆🤓🤓
2019년 12월 23일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

풍선 5개 중 5.0
2019년 10월
Das war mein erster Besuch im Fluchthaus Weiden - und definitiv nicht mein letzter !!! Von Kollegen inspiriert ließ ich mich auf das Abenteuer ein und wurde keineswegs enttäuscht, Spannung, Nervenkitzel und die Zusammenarbeit des Teams standen klar im Fokus. Hier bekommt man Unterhaltung in sehr guter Qualität und es freut mich schon jetzt wieder Gast des Weidener Fluchthauses zu sein. TOP !!!!!!!
2019년 11월 25일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

Tim F
Weiden, 독일
풍선 5개 중 1.0
2018년 10월 • 친구
We contacted them prior to attending knowing that we were military members and that a horror theme would not do us well. They comforted us multiple times prior to our arrival that it was not horror themed. Once in the basement, it became quickly evident that they had lied to us. We ended it shortly after starting, due to a reaction by myself which led to us paying for a damaged window due to an unexpected response from a triggering moment. Had we known ahead of time, we simply would not have gone. They may have run a great escape house however, their intent to deceive us just to get the payment is what disappointed us all the most.
2019년 9월 3일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.
Hello Tim, we have 3 different areas, and only 1 is a horror game, (its clearly visible on the cover and also explained on the homepage in English and German). We don`t need to lie to our customers. You wrote us an email before, and asked if we can make it a little bit less scary (so you obviously knew it before that this is a horror game). Why did you not book one of the other 2 areas? Regarding the broken window: After you broke a window by a direct hit with your fist (which was intentionally and not by accident), you and your wife offered that you will pay for that before we have said anything, because it was your fault. We charged then only 20,-€ (normally it costs a lot more to fix it) and the groups after you had a game with a damaged door window. The next thing is that our worker, who was standing behind the glass door, got all glass parts in his face and eyes, but luckily nothing happend to him. In all escape game there is a rule: if a group wants to quit the game, the game is over. After you broke the window, we stopped the game. There were 10 minutes left before the game was over. Your group said that you want to play until the end without scary effects, if possible (normally the game must be over in such cases, but we made an exception end let you guys finish the 60 minutes, without scary effects). We charged the normal price for the game like other customers, too. It was not our fault, we wanted to give you a good time, and let you play until the end. Our customers are very important to us, which is proven by the fact that your rating is the first and only negative we ever received. We would be happy if you stick to the facts when rating us. respectfully Fluchthaus
2019년 11월 16일 작성
이 답변은 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 시설 담당자의 주관적인 의견입니다.

검색 결과 전체 24 중 1-10
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