Oceans casino

Oceans casino

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풍선 5개 중 5.0리뷰 1건
매우 좋음
형편 없음

Garrett S
포스팅 1건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2023년 8월 • 개인
I believe that this is a pop up card room for listowel races , upon entering one is greeted by two 70-80 year old white haired gentlemen , who will assign you a seat at one of the two tables . Having played in many classic poker rooms , vegas , Atlantic city , Paris , abbeydorney and Barcelona , the decor could at best be described as shabby chic . However this didn't detract from the play . The cards were dealt by a good looking young wan , whose name I believe was breda , whose reading of the table would suggest that she would be skilled in any seat . I'm sure she gets bags of Christmas cards . The action was good on most nights although some of the players might have been ex Wagner .
Amazingly there was a food a beverage operation despite it being a pop up . It was managed by one of the elderly gentlemen . While is table side manner suggested he wasn't classically trained , he made up for it with service , with as much tea or coffee as you liked . He also served food , again his style was very much his own , now I've had jamon bellota , Parma ham , shaved ham etc , but this was served in big chunks served between 2 slices of bread , it was basically the pig without the head and tail and one had the option of coleslaw ala Lidl as well . It was then dissected into two halves , which might not be equal and served with a smile and a napkin .
All in all I couldn't fault oceans , for two auld fellows they did all right , it get five stars from me
2023년 9월 25일 작성
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*매진 임박: 지난 30일에 대한 Viator의 예약 데이터 및 제공업체의 정보에 따르면 이 체험은 트립어드바이저 브랜드사인 Viator에서 매진될 가능성이 큽니다.
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