Wünsch bridge (Varosliget)
Wünsch bridge (Varosliget)
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  • Állatkert • 도보로 2분 거리
  • Széchenyi fürdő • 도보로 3분 거리

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Neil K
리버풀, UK포스팅 829,679건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2023년 11월 • 친구
Walking through Varosliget ( City Park ) I came across this wonderful looking bridge ,named in honour of Robert Wünsch the construction contractor ,one of the most prominent figures in reinforced concrete at the time ,the bridge was completed in 1896 and served the now defunct Millennium Metro Station ,it's great to view ,most definitely well worth checking out if you're in the area and easy to locate in Varosliget .
2023년 11월 29일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

프랑크푸르트, 독일포스팅 24,687건
풍선 5개 중 4.0
2023년 10월 • 개인
Above all, it was a monument to technology that was connected to the construction of the metro, which required pedestrian bridges because they were above ground. Robért Wünsch developed a process for this. Now you can look at the bridge and walk on it. And thanks to your smartphone, you can also get information about it from the internet.
2023년 10월 2일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

부다페스트, 헝가리포스팅 3,728건
풍선 5개 중 4.0
2023년 8월 • 가족
Hungary's first reinforced concrete bridge in Városliget, next to the lake. The bridge was built in 1896 by the construction contractor Róbert Wünsch, one of the most prominent figures in reinforced concrete architecture of the time, based on the design of György Brüggerman. The Millennium Underground passed under the bridge.
From its opening in 1896 until its extension in 1973, the Millennium Underground Railway ran from the Museum of Fine Arts to its terminal at the Széchenyi Baths, making a large loop on the surface and a smaller notch around Lake Városigeti.
The small bridge at the Zoo station provided a link over the track, as it was forbidden to cross over the tracks; and anyone wishing to travel towards the city centre had to cross this bridge from the Zoo.

2023년 9월 11일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.
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Wünsch bridge (Varosliget) - 부다페스트 - Wünsch bridge (Varosliget)의 리뷰 - 트립어드바이저

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