Concrete Dinosaurs Of Apple Valley, Ca

Concrete Dinosaurs Of Apple Valley, Ca

Concrete Dinosaurs Of Apple Valley, Ca
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풍선 5개 중 4.5리뷰 4건
매우 좋음
형편 없음

캘리포니아포스팅 4건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2023년 5월 • 커플
Neat little place but breaking down. Not safe for kids to play. Right next to residential properties and an area marked “No Trespassing”, so ensure you pay attention to where you’re heading.
2023년 5월 7일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

어빈, 캘리포니아포스팅 102건
풍선 5개 중 3.0
2022년 6월
Thought I was having a flashback experience when I first saw this....Wasn't until I got an email from Trip Advisor asking me to rate things in Apple Vally, CA. when I realized what I saw was in fact real.
2022년 8월 13일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

모레노 밸리, 캘리포니아포스팅 405건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2022년 6월
If you are interested in the weird and strange attractions, this site is perfect for you. Situated three miles north of Highway 18 on Cahuilla Road in Apple Valley, California one can find the 17-acre Concrete Dinosaurs Ruins of Apple Valley, a now defuncted and closed site located on private property. This site is difficult to located as it is in a remote area. Prior to visiting this “dinosaur graveyard” one should ask for permission from the property owner prior to venture onto the site. This attraction was once the dream of Lonnie Coffman who wanted to create a theme park style miniature golf course utilizing dinosaurs as the main attraction. His idea was to create a gratis free children play area in the desert. These remarkable creatures, all made of chicken wire, rebar and concrete were initially constructed in the 1970s and 80 by L. Wicker. Over the years, 30 dinosaurs were constructed with several being over 15 feet tall. As word spread about this Jurassic Dinosaur site, tourist and school children flocked to the construction site to view these beautiful creatures. All were welcome. For 12 years Mr. Coffman personally funded this project. As all good intentions go, he eventually ran out of money and the project shut down. Efforts to raise additional funding via grants and loans, failed and in 1982 the project officially died. The dinosaurs were left to fend for themselves. Nature and passing years have play havoc with these magnificent statues. Currently many of these impressive concrete creatures have crumbling away. Remaining figures have lost some part of their anatomy, while others are full of holes. As the exterior concrete layer wears away, the wire mesh inside is exposed. In some cases, sun-bleached newspapers from the 1970s that were used to stuff the frame can be glimpsed inside. These carcasses are now the home of a plethora of dessert wildlife. As we wandered around this site, we noted coyotes, rattlesnakes, and rodents throughout the area. This is a fascinating site and well worth a few hours of your time. If you visit, just be aware that you are in a remote area with extremely hot temperatures throughout the day. Dress appropriately, bring water, and watch your surroundings. Barbed wire, broken chunks of concrete, metal rods and rodent holes are spread out through the complex. It is extremely easy to get hurt if you fail to pay attention to your surroundings. I found this site interesting, while my companion felt it was creepy and a waste of time.
2022년 7월 3일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

배닝, 캘리포니아포스팅 15,302건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2021년 10월
Found this place on a Sat Search and investigated it. Went during day light hours because it is remote area.

Found what was maybe going to be a golf area. Pretty much ruined now but it is spread out over a very large area. Dirt road leading to an area that you can park and wander around the site to see. A lot of time was spent on this project and seemed to die 45+ years ago.

Easy to find and see
2021년 10월 15일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.
*매진 임박: 지난 30일에 대한 Viator의 예약 데이터 및 제공업체의 정보에 따르면 이 체험은 트립어드바이저 브랜드사인 Viator에서 매진될 가능성이 큽니다.
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