Kaatsbaan International Dance Center

Kaatsbaan International Dance Center

Kaatsbaan International Dance Center
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풍선 5개 중 5.0리뷰 4건
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Elise G
Hudson River Valley, 뉴욕주포스팅 1,321건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2019년 12월
What an idyllic venue for a dance performance! I was fortunate enough to attend the Vanaver Caravan's, "Into the Light" during this solstice season. The venue was ideal.

The space was intimate, clean, and tastefully done. There was not a bad seat in the house. The grounds were beautiful, architecture impeccable and a wonderful space all around.

I look forward to attending performances at the Kaatsbaan throughout the year, so that I can explore the grounds, perhaps have a picnic and a stroll, not to mention, enjoy the theatre itself!
2020년 1월 5일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

브루클린, 뉴욕주포스팅 54건
풍선 5개 중 4.0
2017년 10월 • 비지니스
I had the wonderful opportunity to work at Kaatsbaan International Dance Center with a dance company in October 2017. Working with the staff of Kaatsbaan was thoroughly enjoyable and I've never worked at a center where everyone was so uniformly friendly and professional.

Located in the charmingly petite town of Tivoli, NY, Kaatsbaan presents dance from classical ballet to contemporary dance. The choreographer I worked with was on a week long residency, which afforded he and his company unprecedented access to a clean, well-kept studio at all times and the support of a truly supportive technical director for performance.

Since my role was as production manager for the company, I worked most closely with the tech staff and with the theatrical equipment. Though perhaps a decade or two behind current theatre technology, the willingness of the of the Kaatsbaan technical director, Ash, to adjust as much as possible helped ensure the look of the work was the best it could be under the circumstances. Ash is one of the great assets of the center and was a pleasure to work with.

House staff for performance was equally accommodating and friendly. Additionally, the board members I met for Kaatsbaan were all genuinely interested in the choreographer's work and enthusiastic in their support of dance.

Accomodations for the company were on the Kaatsbaan grounds, which in a former life was a dairy farm. The dorms we were housed in were well-kept, and serviceable for a week's stay. The setting is truly idyllic and a great respite from the hectic world of dance in New York City. In the quiet of this upstate center, the choreographer and company could thoroughly concentrate on work.

It should be noted wifi is only available in the main theatre building and not in the dorm area. Lights between buildings are few and far between, making the nighttime walk between buildings quite dark (but offering the requisite dark to see a stunning display of stars above).

Anyone accustomed to a city that never sleeps may be surprised that Tivoli has a bed time. Most places will close around 10pm or earlier, with the exception of the pub. Even more surprising is that places to eat shut down in the middle of the day. If you're peckish between 3pm and 5pm, be sure you have some food on you as most places will be closed. Only one cafe was open during that time if memory serves.

Kaatsbaan International Dance Center is truly a special place to work and create, and anyone offered the opportunity to go there should take it.
2018년 3월 23일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

Saugerties,New York포스팅 66건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2017년 8월 • 가족
My family and I have attended many performances over the past year and we are astounded by the high level of professionalism and joyous performances that can be had at KAATSBAAN
THE BLACK BOX STUDIO and the gorgeous grounds provide entertainment that surpasses the best dance companies in New York City.
Be sure to stay overnight at the Tivoli Hotel or at least grab a meal at The Corner restaurant.
2017년 10월 5일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.

우드스톡, 뉴욕주포스팅 5건
풍선 5개 중 5.0
2016년 10월 • 커플
Kaatsbaan has an incredible black-box theater with a stage larger than most NYC theaters. They present the leading dance companies in the US and companies from Europe. All seats have a perfect view. We say a stunning performance of the NY Theatre Ballet with live music and great ballet dancers.
2016년 11월 14일 작성
이 리뷰는 트립어드바이저 LLC의 의견이 아닌 트립어드바이저 회원의 주관적인 의견입니다. 트립어드바이저에서는 리뷰를 확인합니다.
*매진 임박: 지난 30일에 대한 Viator의 예약 데이터 및 제공업체의 정보에 따르면 이 체험은 트립어드바이저 브랜드사인 Viator에서 매진될 가능성이 큽니다.
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